Parents are you looking for fun learning activities? Check out these awesome fall themed resources from! Voyage through the Under the Sea word scramble below or continue the adventure on for even more exciting spelling games!
There's a variety of learning resources available on the site. Choose from:
Select from the following festive themes featured for fall: Bug crawlies, school time, autumn leaves, under the sea, and kayaking! Are you enjoying the worksheets? Make sure you share the learning on social media tag on Twitter and Facebook! Use our hashtag #LetsK12Better.
Values are an important part of what makes us who we are. The values instilled in our children determine whether they grow up to reach their full potential or only a portion of what they could be. Show your child just how important values are with this fun activity that involves both art and literacy. What To Do:
Need more ideas or great resources for language arts? Check out the “Reading Help & Learning Resources” page on!
How do we make it magical and memorable without being stressed out or even worse putting additional pressure on our kids? I know all too well about the impending stress and ways to manage it. As a parent of a kindergartener starting at a new school in just a few weeks, and the co-founder of Classtag; I’ve listened to many parents share how wonderful it is to balance this anticipation and stress. Reflecting on these anecdotes and issues, my formula is simple: do one thing a day and all of the preparation comes together. No stress… just the opportunity to experience that wonderful time of the year.
![]() Is the measure of success only money and outside status? I know some working moms whose children focused on careers so much they have no grandchildren which they dearly want. I have nine "grandones". Would I be considered a success or a failure at raising my children? I think success is the positive impact we have on the lives of others. Before Mrs. Obama set the great example as a stay home mom first lady for millennials, I was a mom with a business degree at home full time in the 80's. People SHUNNED me when I told them my occupation. From childhood, I wanted to be at home differing from my mother's opinion that an outside career led to a meaningful life. I volunteered and was trying to start a business from home when my ex-husband decided a single mother on his job needed his assistance to raise her teens more than his own four little children and I did. He said I was capable and did not need him. ![]() Some of the most extraordinary people you’ll ever meet are those who dedicate their time and lives to serving as guardians and foster parents. They experience joy and triumph, but also face countless challenges. In the U.S., 397,122 children currently reside in foster care, while in Florida there are approximately 8,000 children in foster care on any given day. That’s why May is designated National Foster Care Month, a time to honor and recognize the foster care system and those amazing individuals. The Lauren’s Kids foundation understands one of the most difficult but important challenges facing these extraordinary adults: how to help a foster child who has experienced sexual abuse.
Guest FeaturesThere are many different definitions of "parent" and a diversity of perspectives on parenting. One thing remains... good parenting is rooted deeply in love. This is our attempt to capture real stories from real people. |