I watched in horror as the pundits on television encouraged people to vote along the lines of their party even if they don’t agree with the candidate. My mouth dropped. Politics aren’t sports ya'll... We aren’t voting to see who takes home the cup to put neatly on the mantle or in the trophy case. Politics guide our livelihood and our relationship as a country with the rest of the world. It’s confusing that we’ve become so blinded by the competition that we don’t fully understand what we’re doing this for. This is not a game, it’s our future.
I can’t help but feel sorry for all of you who are about to vote in line with your party but in practice disagree with the rhetoric Donald Trump spreads and the values that Donald Trump embodies. Our civics, social studies, and government classes have failed you. And the American education system failed to teach you about what it truly means to be American. You have a voice… don’t waste it. So to encourage you to do so, I’ve penned this letter. (There's no bias here, another one is coming for Democrats... I’m just waiting for the DNC to come to it’s theatrical conclusion.)
Dear Republicans,
The RNC in Cleveland is over and your delegates let all of us know who you are going to stand behind...You are loud fascist, vapid, racist, sexist and proud. You guys are doing the most right now. Don’t give me any BS that you personally don’t stand for that, because if you stand behind this candidate you accept him, as Beyonce says, 'flaws and all'. Granted, having Donald Trump as the president may not fully change my life because there’s the Congress and the Supreme Court in place to block some of his proposed nonsense- because hooray for checks and balances. Plus we all witnessed the cock-blocking Congress has put President Obama through since 2008. It’s still a bit unnerving that your party is really comfortable promoting a failed businessman with no diplomatic or political experience. ![]()
It’s really disappointing to see that none of you at the RNC were willing to protest the debauchery of this 2016 convention. That no one took a stand and that many of your delegates danced around in the Quicken Loans Stadium like that scene in the movie “The Ten Commandments” when Moses (Charlton Heston) returns from hanging out with God on the mountain with the Ten Commandments to find the Israelites are worshiping the Ram after they’d been liberated from Egypt... Moses was like, ‘WTF is happening with ya’ll?’. That’s what your delegates reminded me of. Your delegates literally looked like uncoordinated, drunk, privileged kids at a geriatric frat party.
Ok, I take that back… Ted Cruz. I kind of respect Ted Cruz. Teddy had the balls to get up and tell the delegates to vote their conscience. He was then booed off the stage, but he said it. Good try Teddy. I didn’t rock with him before (and I still don't), but he earned a very small percentage of my respect considering he too embodies some not so awesome Republican rhetoric. (Let's not forget that Paul Ryan had a chance to take a stand. He decided to bend over and take it. I'm only assuming that this is his power play for keeping his job or moving up in the Republican ranks. Beware... Sycophants are everywhere.)
And let’s not forget Ohio. The state you held the Republican National Convention in was like, “nah”... they voted for John Kasich. They listened to their voters and followed suit. 1803 shout out! Good job my home state.
One more thing... it says a lot when the last Republican president, his former presidential father, their whole crew didn’t show up to the party convention… You guys gotta stop with calling them "petty" and think about why the last Republican president and company respectfully decline the invitation.
Dear Republicans… Way to pick a candidate that wants to keep people out by building a wall, when your party literally worships a president who tore down walls in another country.
I’m confused right now with your life choices. You believe we all should work hard for what we get in this country but your candidate is all about not paying his taxes and hiding his tax information from the public.
You’re also hyper obsessed with “Preserving and Protecting Traditional Marriage”, like this is the FIRST pillar on your site. Like you guys are all about standing on this principle against single parents and the government supporting them and you're not a fan of gay people raising and adopting little babies together. I get that family values are important, but your candidate has been married several times and has sired a lot of kids… like, is he representative of your traditional family values or does that not matter anymore? You want to keep the internet "family friendly" but you can find pictures of his current wife on there and, well, let's just say some are not too" family friendly". I’m confused with ya'll right now.
Dear Republicans… Donald Trump is not a dumb, ass-clown out here just making shit up as he goes and flying by the seat of his pants. He is a very educated, calculated, intelligent, hungry individual who believes in nothing but himself that day. And for many people that look just like him… that is an appealing gospel to live by. He will always trade in for a new model. He will always iterate and he will always upgrade. Are you aware that he will leave you behind like one of his former wives once he gets tired of ya'll? Like a divorce is imminent, this is NOT a sustainable relationship you have together. Melanie's face says it all. She lives every day with the reality that DT is always on the hunt for something better. So where does that leave the millions of voters that don't wake up with him every day? For you to believe in his loyalty to your vote is pompous, arrogant and also, wild AF.
I’m really hoping you have a crisis of faith. I get it, Hillary is not that great of a choice either, but I’m not telling you to vote for her. I’m asking you to look at the values of your party, the leadership of your party, and the life you live each day with the people around you.
...but if this is the underlying message and it only benefits a few people, maybe we need to rethink some things. If you don’t have the strength to stand up and say, “Hey guys, hey guys, we actually believe in this, not that. This is our party platform and here’s what it means”; maybe it’s time to stop looking at the faults of the other party and look at what’s burning down your own house.
So look, please go vote. It’s American to do so. Go vote your ass off… but just think about the type of America you want to live in. If for the first time in your Republican life, you get in that booth and your stomach turns a bit when you look at your presidential candidate, maybe you should just leave it blank.
Knowledge is power... If you’re confused about what the GOP stands for, PLEASE read the Republican Platform.
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I'm a former teacher and former college athlete, currently working to make life more equitable for all people. My mission is to get parents to partner with their child's teacher.