Welcome to our curated page of things we've found to be helpful, beautiful, inspiring and/or interesting. A "gob" is described as a large amount of something. We are using it to describe the accumulated treasures we've come across in our exploration and search for knowledge via the web. Here is why we've decided to have a "gob":
http://www.momofallcapes.com/2/post/2014/01/gobs-whimsical-and-eccentric.html Feel free to use the search button to find what you're looking for. A lot of these topics and websites have been shared on our Twitter and Facebook feeds, we just wanted them to last a bit longer. NONE OF THIS IS OUR ORIGINAL MATERIAL... Consider this our "favorite things", our fan of" page, our zealot stream and our bulletin board. |
Click on the title to go to the original article
or search for something cool above *All images and information in our "gob" belong to the websites they are linked to... Enjoy responsibly. |
7 Apps for Teaching Children Coding
(Anna Adams) |
Equestria Daily
Brony Updates, Music, Forums, Artwork, Merch & News! |
Fooling Mother Nature: A Short History of Hair Dyes
(Marta Gundaker) |
What Are the Effects of 'Middle Child Syndrome'?
(Today: Anne Curry / Stacy DeBroff) |
Let Them Throw Cake: Messy Kids May Be Faster Learners
(Belinda Luscombe) |
Why We Need to Dream
(Jonah Lehrer) |
Doc McStuffins Creator Tributes Black Woman Doctor By Renaming Mom
(ForHarriet.com on Melissa Harris-Perry) |