When you think of Halloween you think of costumes, spooky fun, school parties and all the awesome candy from trick or treating. We want to keep everyone safe amidst all of the awesome fun we anticipate everyone having. The lovernauts in the super hero fashion decided to share three tips everyone should remember when going out and about on the 31st:
We hope you have a safe and spooktackular Halloween!!! As a former educator I know that dealing with other people's kids is no walk in the park. That being said, all parents- working and at home- should take the opportunity to chaperone a school trip. What I did with a few kids on a trip my child's teacher does every day with five times as many kids in a confined space. She keeps them focused and excited to come back every day... Not easy. We love fun, quick, creative activities. Our oldest lovernaut got "Glitter Tattoos" as a birthday gift and she's been waiting for the opportunity to tattoo everyone. This activity took 10 minutes and afterwards the tattoos preoccupied the girls for an hour as they compared colors and designs. Quick, non-toxic and fun! We are definitely doing this again... very soon! Fun, easy and inexpensive, Family Game Night should be a staple activity in every household. Consistency is great, but even if it isn't every Thursday at 8pm, getting time in with the family teaches us a few things about ourselves and each other:
On this occasion we played the simple game Trouble and it was a great time. So much so that the kids want every night to be game night. What are your favorite family games? Share in the comments!
Check out the wonderful happenings at BodyWise Dance: www.bodywisedance.com (Twitter- @BodyWiseDance & Facebook- BodyWise Dance). Make sure you support your local performers and performance spaces because they remind us of the beauty and importance of movement and self expression. Happy Discovery!
It's really important to provide "organic" experiences by taking your child places that will stimulate their 5 senses.
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